Pope Francis, in his message for the 58th World Day of Peace, highlights the central theme of the upcoming Jubilee of Hope and calls for debt forgiveness as a means of promoting justice and peace in the world. The Pope emphasizes that we are all connected and in debt to God and one another, urging for structural changes to address systemic injustices and challenges such as environmental degradation, migration issues, and international debt exploitation.
He pleads for the forgiveness of foreign debts, appealing for solidarity and justice among nations. Additionally, Pope Francis calls for the abolition of the death penalty and proposes reallocating funds from arms sales towards eradicating hunger and promoting sustainable development.
The Pope underscores that true peace comes from disarming selfishness and hostility in hearts, fostering forgiveness, generosity, and hope for a better world. He encourages simple acts of kindness and solidarity among individuals to build a more fraternal and humane society.
In conclusion, Pope Francis offers a prayer for peace, emphasizing the importance of forgiveness, disarming hearts, and responding to the cries of the poor. Through these actions, the Pope believes that true and lasting peace can be achieved in the world.
Photo credit www.vaticannews.va